Analysis of Financial Risk in SMEs in the City of Armenia - New Empirical Evidence
Jairo Toro Diaz1;Jose Hernan Parra Sanchez

The results of the companies may depend on their ability to adapt to the changes introduced Ambient and uncertain environment, which is necessary to have tools for risk assessment as an inseparable element of business. For this paper we worked based SMEs the city of Armenia registered with the Superintendence of Societies of Colombia for the years 2011 and 2012, excluding those in the process of liquidation, consisted methodology to determine the risks of liquidity, indebtedness and Retrieving Your portfolio for each company and sector. The results showed that of 112 companies surveyed, 80% had financial risk for two years, which implies the need to take appropriate decisions to ensure the survival of the company, using tools that allow a proper assessment of the management.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jeds.v4n2a6