Inégalités de revenu et croissance économique : vérification empirique sur un panel de pays de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire d’Afrique Centrale(CEMAC)
Dr Nkouka Safoulanitou Léonard

This study analyzed the link between economic growth and income inequality in Central African countries by integrating the geographic dimension (the contribution of the fixed exchange rate to the dynamics of economic growth and income inequality). Our results showed that economic growth in Central African and other developing countries in our sample is influenced by lagged GDP per capita, income inequality, political stability, infant mortality, public consumption. For its part, income inequalities are explained by the delayed gini index, GDP per capita. The membership of the Central African countries in the franc zone, also explains significantly and positively on the economic growth and negatively on the inequalities of income. This specificity for these countries allows us to point out that economic growth is a necessary condition but must be accompanied by the implementation of a policy to reduce inequalities. The promotion of good governance and the strategy of economic diversification also appear essential for making economic growth sustainable and inclusive.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jeds.v7n2a9