Public Perception of the Treasury Single Account in Nigeria
Helen Walter Mboto, Amenawo I. Offiong, Bassey I. Ibor

This study investigated the perception of Nigerians towards the Treasury Single Account (TSA). A sample of one hundred and ninety respondents, drawn from management staff of MDAs, in the Federal and State Services as well as Deposit Money Banks in Calabar Cross River State, was studied to gauge their perception on the Treasury Single Account (TSA) being implemented by the Federal Government of Nigeria. The data were analyzed using the Chi-Square statistical technique. The results reveal a significant acceptance of the TSA policy itself but a non-significant positive perception of its operation. It argues that TSA, as operated presently, has negatively affected the socio-economic life of the people and the operation of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA) as a result of delays experienced in releases due to bureaucratic bottle-necks. The paper recommends, among others, that Government should ensure timely release of operational funds to encourage MDAs to support the TSA Policy. This can be achieved through the use of treasury bills (T-bills) or other short-term borrowing instruments aimed at offsetting the impact of TSA implementation on government cash flows.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jeds.v5n2a7