Technology Transfer through Participatory Approach: The Case of NERICA Introduction in Cameroon
D. K. Malaa, A. B. Jaff, A. R. Agboh-Noameshie, E. L. M. Ngonkeu, N. K. T. Bebom, N. Woin

To ensure food security in Cameroon there is a need to increase food production through the introduction of new technologies. In the year 2008, New Rice for Africa – (NERICA) varieties that are said to be adapted to various agro-ecological zones in the country were introduced using the participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) approach. With this approach, farmers were exposed to many new varieties and their own varieties at tillering, flowering and maturity to select the best. This paper uses data collected from 240 rice farmers (51% female), during the PVS trials in three agro-ecological zones, between 2009 and 2011. The trials were aimed at assessing the best-adapted varieties preferred by farmers based on their biophysical and organoleptic characteristics, with a view of producing and disseminating the seeds of the selected varieties across the country to boost rice production. After two years of field trial that ended up with an organoleptic test, the results showed that farmers preferred characteristics for the selection of varieties were based on, plant height, yield, grain shape and color, aroma, stickiness and taste. With these as their priority, four lowland (NERICAL- 36; NERICA-L-42; NERICA-L-56; NERICA-L-60) and four upland varieties (NERICA 3; NERICA 8; NERICA 9; NERICA 13) were selected. The study recommends that trials be conducted on fertilizer rate, planting density, planting date, etc. to get the best bet cultural practices so as to put at the disposal of the farmers a complete economical and productive package.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jeds.v4n4a7