Bi-directional Relationships between Exports and Growth: A Panel Data Approach
Dr. Amit Kundu
Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 1(1), pp. 10-23.

This paper uses panel data analysis to test the validity of the “export-led hypothesis” in seven countries, members of SAARC (India, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives). Fixed effects model leads to conclusion that there is no significant relationship between GDP and Export for these countries. On the other hand Random effects model leads to conclusion that there is no significant relationship between GDP and Export for these countries. Panel unit root tests imply that there is strong evidence of stationary process for both GDP and Export at level that is I(0). However, the panel cointegration test indicates there is co-integrating relationship between export and growth for these countries. As a conclusion, the export could be seen as the engine of growth in these countries. In other word, the empirical findings did provide sufficient evident to support the : export-led hypothesis” in the area.

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Kundu, Dr. Amit. (2013). Bi-directional Relationships between Exports and Growth: A Panel Data Approach. Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 1(1), pp. 10-23.

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Dr. Amit Kundu is the Assit Professor of Economics at the Mathabhanga College, India. At the University of North Bengal, he earned an M.A. in Economics. He received his doctorate in Economics in 2011 from the University of North Bengal under the supervision of Dr. Chandan Kr. Mukhopadhyay (Ph.D from University of Illinois, Chicago, USA). He has been carrying his research work since 2007. His area of concentration covers Econometrics, Time Series Analysis, Macro Economics and Forecasting. He published several research articles in reputed national and international journals.